Saturday, November 17, 2007

Busy, Tough Week!!

Well, the effects of the accident are draging on; however, we finally got a car. We like it - it is comfortable, drives very well, and most improtantly, it is an all-wheel drive vehicle. We think it looks nice and we think that it will serve us nicely through our first Winter here. To the right is a picture of the car on the top of the Gooding Pass this morning earlier.

Julie got a promotion and a raise this week. She is now the office manager as well as the Accounts Payable Manager. This gives her significantly more responsibility with a commensurate raise. She is impressive. Everywhere she has ever gone, before too long, she ends up managing. She was born to run things. (I should know, she has been trying to run my life for 26 years now.)

Today we went into Twin Falls for our bi-monthly shopping. While in the mall today, Jeff and Julie got to sit on Santa's lap. I think Santa enjoyed them sitting there. I'm not sure which he got the most pleasure out of, Jeff or Julie. My hope is that Santa isn't a pedophile - it would give a whole new meaning to the phrase, "the season of giving."


The Ellingson Zoo said...

Why didn't Doug hop on Santa's lap, that would have been a great family pic!

Papa Smurf said...

Santa told me to, but there wasn't room - sorry, maybe next year.

Doug E.

Barkley's said...

So does this mean mom is your boss now?? HaHa

Papa Smurf said...

No, your mother is not my boss, however, I do work for a woman, Paula. This is the third time I have had a woman boss. Once was Peggy, once was a obnoxious pain inthe ass, whether woman or man, she was a pain in the ass, andnow Paula, and I thoroughly enjoy working for her.


the old folks said...

We really like your new vehicle. When I grow up, I want one too! Good picture of Julie, Jeff and Santa. The girls and I are going to family craft day on Dec 8th in Lebanon. This will be the first time most of them have seen Kohen.

Barkley's said...

Does Grandma have her own blog?? What is the address!!!!?